Information on KSL (CTS)

For general information on KSL / CTS we would like to draw your attention to the portal website: Core teaching system (CTS)

The registration for courses as well as the administration of your grades is done through Kernsystem Lehre / Core teaching system, short KSL / CTS.

You can access KSL with your edu-ID.

Before the beginning of the semester you should register through KSL for the courses that you would like to attend in the upcoming semester, if such registration is even possible .

In your planning view you will see your chosen study program and you can include courses that you would like to attend in the upcoming semester by using the search function. Attention! Including the course in your planning view does not mean that you are also registered for this course. That requires another step.

In order to register for a course, click on the black triangle besides the grade/ECTS-bar of a course and choose "sign in/off". On the next screen click on "request for a place" under the course. In case you want to register for the exam as well at the same time, you have the possibility to do so on the same screen.

Please note that not all institutes of the University of Bern ask for registration to the courses. In such cases the button „request for a place“ on the registration screen is shown in grey and is not activated. In these cases you can attend the lectures without registration. In some cases, the registration has to be done through ILIAS. However, such special registration procedures would be mentioned in the KSL entry.

Please read thoroughly the information given on the KSL entries for each course. Often important details are given for the exams, registration process, place etc..

In order to find out which courses you should attend during one semester, you can consult either the appendix to the study pan, the respective lecture schedule or the Digital Lecture Plan. These documents can be found on the factsheet of your study program.